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Music Performance Agreements – Legally, What You Need to Know

Blog Category: Film

As I walked through the aisles of Toys R Us, surrounded by an endless supply of Nickelodeon and Disney Junior toys, puzzles, costumes, and...

A scriptwriter contacted us, saying that she finished a feature film script and wanted to know about the legal issues surrounding selling her script...

Development Funding Advances – Introduction If a producer receives an advance of development funds, must the producer repay the advance if the script rights...

Television series and films are often developed, produced and exploited by multiple production companies working together. The co-production agreement is one option to outline...

Is Equity Crowdfunding coming to Ontario? Introduction The revolution is coming – from Saskatchewan, of all places. On December 6, 2013, this rounding error...

Copyrighted Music in YouTube Videos – Introduction Copyrighted Music in YouTube Videos; what do you need to know? This blog raises two interesting issues:...

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