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Music Performance Agreements – Legally, What You Need to Know

Blog Category: Music

Annual General Meetings in Canada and COVID-19 – Introduction Annual General Meetings in Canada (“AGM”) are a requirement for both Federal and Provincial Corporations....

Force Majeure & Current Events: We all have many questions as we grapple with the sweeping effects of COVID-19 on our professional and personal...

Tour – Rights and Obligations: Introduction Tour – Rights and Obligations. We all want to limit health risks at home and in the communities...

Your 3 Favourite Letters as a Canadian Musician: MFN MFN stands for Most Favoured Nations. Most Favoured Nations, in the context of music, has...

Math is a Musician’s Friend Math is a Musician’s Friend. Well, math should be a musician’s friend. Unfortunately, like many people, some musicians are...

Since 2015, I’ve been sharing suggestions of how to support Canadian content on Canada Day – including our nation’s films, music, television programs, books,...

What is CanCon? For years we’ve spoken about music law, producer agreements, SOCAN, and more, to future producers and recording engineers at The Audio...

The 25-Year Reversion Rule – Introduction The 25-Year Reversion Rule – Musician Bryan Adams’ arrived in Ottawa on September 18, 2018 to address the...

9 Words for Music Partner Expectations: Introduction 9 words for music partner expectations, you may be wondering what these may be, let me explain....

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