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Music Performance Agreements – Legally, What You Need to Know

Blog Category: Film

Introduction to Quitclaims Quitclaims are legal tools used by producers and creators to ensure that someone or something has given up certain rights in...

Introduction The subject to be discussed today is Termination Clauses in Emploment Contracts. What is “Just Cause”? In Ontario, many employment contracts contain a...

The History: Since 2015, I’ve been sharing suggestions of how to support Canadian content on Canada Day – including our nation’s films, music, television...

Recent Changes to the Ontario Taxation Act Do you receive Production Services Tax Credits? Recent changes to the Taxation Act (Ontario) (the “Act”) may...

Annual General Meetings in Canada and COVID-19 – Introduction Annual General Meetings in Canada (“AGM”) are a requirement for both Federal and Provincial Corporations....

Force Majeure & Current Events: We all have many questions as we grapple with the sweeping effects of COVID-19 on our professional and personal...

Since 2015, I’ve been sharing suggestions of how to support Canadian content on Canada Day – including our nation’s films, music, television programs, books,...

What is CanCon? For years we’ve spoken about music law, producer agreements, SOCAN, and more, to future producers and recording engineers at The Audio...

Since 2015, I’ve been sharing suggestions of how to support Canadian content on Canada Day – including our nation’s films, music, television programs, books,...

In March, 2017 the Canada Media Fund (“CMF”) released its policy changes for 2017-2018. There are several key policy changes and initiatives that are...

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