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Music Performance Agreements – Legally, What You Need to Know

Blog Category: Television

At Edwards Creative Law, we’re passionate about providing entertainment legal services that exceed our client’s expectations. To help us fulfill that commitment, we’re extremely...

Understanding the Role of Agents in Contract Signing: An Introduction Can agents sign on behalf of performers? A client recently asked, “what is the...

“Work Made for Hire” Explained: Introduction   The phrase “work made for hire” is commonly found in entertainment industry contracts—particularly with regard to independent...

OIDMTC Application: An Introduction Developers of digital media products in Ontario are likely familiar with the Ontario Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (“OIDMTC”).  Anyone...

Option Agreement – Introduction A scriptwriter contacted us, asking what legal issues to be aware of when selling her completed scripts to film producers....

“Shown In Canada”: CAVCO Reinterpretation – Introduction Shown In Canada: CAVCO Reinterpretation – The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (“CPTC”) is available...

Bell Fund – Introduction Next in our ongoing series highlighting funding opportunities for digital creators we’re going to take a look at the Bell...

How to Pitch to a Broadcaster: Introduction How to Pitch to a Broadcaster? We know this can be nerve-wracking, especially if you don’t know...

Introduction to Quitclaims Quitclaims are legal tools used by producers and creators to ensure that someone or something has given up certain rights in...

Introduction The subject to be discussed today is Termination Clauses in Emploment Contracts. What is “Just Cause”? In Ontario, many employment contracts contain a...

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