COVID-19 Killed My Tour – Rights and Obligations – Part 2 – Partners

Cancelled Tour – Rights and Obligations: We all want to limit health risks at home and in the communities that we visit on tour. As we consider the effects of COVID-19 on the live music industry and our individual roles, here is part two of a series of blogs to address some considerations likely on […]

Force Majeure – What you Need to Know

Force Majure

Force Majeure & Current Events: We all have many questions as we grapple with the sweeping effects of COVID-19 on our professional and personal lives. Many may find it difficult or impossible to perform their contractual obligations given the restrictions imposed in response to the outbreak. If COVID-19 makes it impossible for you to perform […]

COVID-19 Killed My Tour – Rights and Obligations – Part 1 – Venues

Tour – Rights and Obligations.

Tour – Rights and Obligations: Introduction Tour – Rights and Obligations. We all want to limit health risks at home and in the communities that we visit on tour. As we consider the effects of COVID-19 on the live music industry and our individual roles, here is part one of a series of blogs to […]

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