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Music Performance Agreements – Legally, What You Need to Know

Edwards Creative Law Blog

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21 / December / 2023

It’s getting to that time of year where individuals reflect on the previous year’s accomplishments and everything they want to work on and improve...

24 / October / 2023

Comic Books and Graphic Novels – What are the Legal Considerations? Developing a comic book or graphic novel (we’ll collectively refer to as “comics”...

15 / August / 2023

Shareholders’ Agreements in Canada Corporate law is an important aspect of entertainment law because many entertainment businesses choose to incorporate. Often, a business will...

23 / June / 2023

What Makes Manitoba an Appealing Destination for Filmmakers? Manitoba has a strong film tax credit program. With base tax credit percentages of 45% and...

19 / June / 2023

Introduction: Your Path to Success with an Entertainment Lawyer Hiring an entertainment lawyer can be a critical step in the career of an artist,...

12 / June / 2023

Can AI Generated Works be Copyrighted in Canada? In Part One of this blog series we begin our legal exploration of generative AI (artificial...

24 / May / 2023

Esports Sponsorships Introduction Sponsorships in Esports are an integral part of the landscape, just as they are in traditional spectator sports. Esports is an...

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